Cry with Me is an ongoing film series and installation that explores the director's own experiences through the lens of their alter-ego, Griselda. In the first chapter of the series, titled Variations, Griselda reenacts 30 of the director's eccentric dates with hired actors. As the performances become repetitive and surreal, the audience witnesses Griselda struggling with their deepest, darkest secret.
Incorporating elements of autofiction and fantasy, the film also features a two-channel video. The voice in A Shapeshifter with a Heavenly Secret, emerged alongside the Director’s alter-ego as an authentic narrator that explores their lived experience through archival footage. These videos touch on autobiographical events such as the director's uncle's death from COVID, their brother abandoning the family, and their father crossing the border. Cry with Me offers a unique and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience through the lens of Griselda, an indignant iconoclast armed with inherited trauma and a sharp sense of humor.